Whew! What a day. I'm really enjoying the demo process and my sister lending a helping hand definitely makes it more fun. I think I owe her Spoonlickers for life once this is all said and done ;)

We started the day off removing the rest of the insulation and framing around the current stairs so that we can hopefully get a floor in tomorrow!  We made some changes and decided to ditch the pantry idea and go for a larger bathroom instead. Yesterday, we made a decision to go with a cathedral ceiling and on a whim....decided to do the same with the kitchen! 

My dad gave us a thumbs up that the house wouldn't fall down, so on his half hour trip to Lowes...we took down a ceiling and made an insulation sandbox.

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And here it is all cleaned up! I am SO excited about the ceilings and can't wait to see it all opened up! 

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Angela Satterlee1 Comment